Supporting Critical Funding for European Social Economy and the 3rd Sector

Crowdfunding has become a highly innovative method of fundraising that is developing at different rates across the EU. The 3rd Sector and Social economy however are finding their ability to adapt to and adopt this specialised form funding strategy difficult due to their lack of ICT skills, basic knowledge of Crowdfunding and the specific governance issues that constrain the day-to-day management in getting top level buy in to the adoption of the concept. These are specific constraints and barriers applicable only to the 3rd Sector and Social economy, but with dramatic changes in how people support this sector, with cash collections tailing off they need to adapt and change to the new electronic based economy quickly.

The project will contribute especially to provide innovative tools to find alternative funding for social enterprises across Europe, helping them to manage the outfall of the current economic threats on the one hand, but as well will help them to generate outreach and community building towards their target audiences.

SUCCESS will look to transfer this understanding and knowledge about Crowdfunding across Europe in general and develop specific, totally free, open access resources for learners, educators and VET experts that provide practical solutions to the specific problems facing this critical and important Sector of the EU economy. The project will produce a suite of web based learning packages aimed at supporting the Sector through the process of putting together a campaign, building sufficient social media presence, to running a campaign and maximising its chances of success. The project will benchmark the state of third sector funding via alternative sources in the EU, report project progress by publishing a set of Case studies and conduct a longitudinal study to asses the impact of the materials created as 3rd Sector organisations, individuals, educators and VET experts commence their path along this innovative approach to alternative fundraising.

SUCCESS will deliver a number of key results:
– The project will publish a benchmarking study that summarises the Crowdfunding scenario across partner countries, and incorporates data for the whole of the EU via meta-research. This benchmarking study sets the current scene in alternative financing and will highlight the needs of the sector.

– A comprehensive suite of Learning materials, including Learning Modules, Presentations, checklists, videos and Hints and Tips, quizzes in an electronic e-book format in 5 languages covering the following areas not currently catered for in the 3rd sector.


The project partners have been chosen because of their specialist skills and expertise that will collectively deliver SUCCESS across Europe. All partners are currently working directly with the Social Economy/3rd Sector within their own country. They have identified the networks and common interest groups that are best placed to ensure information about the forthcoming SUCCESS program is disseminated out to even the smallest social enterprise/charity.

CRN are an experienced VET curriculum developer, especially in the field of Social Entrepreneurship
RLN (UK) has been supporting the co-running a UK based 3rd Sector Network for 10 years
MEAG is a Social Enterprise that manages and supports the occupants of Incubation Units
Na Drodze Ekspresji is an NGO, which is mainly focusing of providing people with less skills and education with entrepreneurial skills.
PLAN A is a Berlin based crowdfunding platform and education platform
Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek NGO that focuses upon the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship
School Raising is a NGO focusing on crowdfunding campaigns for schools and formal VET providers

Success E-Learning platform (